Thursday, December 31, 2009
Posted by Tammy at 12:01 AM 1 comments
Monday, December 28, 2009
The Holidays
Posted by Tammy at 12:57 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Posted by Tammy at 6:01 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Paranormal Activity........*snores*
Posted by Tammy at 10:56 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 19, 2009
You Learn Something New Everyday
We learned something new today...and whoever reads this will too :p
Posted by Tammy at 11:04 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Unnecessary Frustration
Every semester since I've started university I've had at least one group that just cant get their act together and do what needs to be done. They'd rather fool around, be lazy and and as a result cause unnecessary frustrations, and they just don't seem to care. Why must I always be the one to do everything? Why must I be the one that has to tell people they are wrong and be disliked for it?
How can members of a group, all of which will share the same grade, sit back and let someone submit pages of nonsense with their names attached. No one has criticisms till I say something is wrong, then they all fall in line. That doesn't help anyone.
And when you try to help people, why must they always act as though they were attacked? People that I have come across have no idea how diplomatic I try to be when telling them what I think about their work. Sometimes it seems like if they were given a good cursing, they'd take that much better and get the point and do what they are supposed to do!
Posted by Tammy at 6:58 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 5, 2009
It weakens the soul,
But when darkness is all around us,
How do you cope?
You want to be happy,
You want to be free,
But that darkness consumes you,
like a vine around a tree.
That darkness is in everyone's future,
But an uncertain one at that.
So how do you ignore that inevitable path,
While still accepting it as fact.
Posted by Tammy at 12:15 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 7, 2009
Summer Fun
Coming back home from the USA, I was right in time for the weekend before the big jump-up on Kadooment Day. During this time, there are alot of activities going on in Barbados, like the Crop-Over tents and fetes such as Cohobblopot, where the local and some regional artistes come out to perform and showcase their talent. The climaxing event however is Kadooment Day, where some persons opt to jump with a band (dancing while following a large truck blasting music along a specific route), while others prefer to watch on the sidelines. The jump-up starts at the National Stadium and ends down the Spring Garden Highway, and it is a sight to behold to see all of the colourful costumes!
After kadooment, everything basically winds down, as school would soon be back in session. This year is a pretty big year for me as I will be entering university. I've had many decisions to make, and I still have alot more to make in the upcoming weeks and months. All I can hope is that I make the best choices possible for me.
The remainder of my plans are to enjoy the rest of summer, and fully immerse myself in the university experience =]
Posted by *~Neesh~* at 1:06 PM 2 comments
Labels: crop-over, kadooment, summer, travelling, university
Monday, August 3, 2009
More Thoughts of the Future
The date for registration was announced so I have been thinking of what courses I will do next semester. I have to pick electives and management options with only two compulsory courses to do. I still have a few weeks before school but I'm constantly thinking of what courses I will do, especially since I am hoping to go away after my degree is finished and I really have to do well to ensure I at least qualify to get in the schools I want. All they are asking for is second class honors which I'm at right now but the thought that something doesn't go my way and my GPA drops is consuming my thoughts. I have a plan for my educational future so the courses I choose can make or break that future.
Think I may drive myself mad :(
One thing for sure this year will be more interesting with more friends starting university this year. :D
Posted by Tammy at 6:35 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Thoughts of the Future
I really love the above picture. As soon as I saw it I thought it was ironic as that sign is tangible and certain unlike the future which is none of those things.
"We spend our whole lives worrying about the future. Planning for the future. Trying to predict the future. As if figuring it out would somehow cushion the blow. But the future is always changing. The future is the home of our deepest fears and our wildest hopes. But one thing is certain, when it finally reveals itself, the future is never the way we imagined it."
So for a while, I've been keeping a book of quotes and inspirational sayings and thoughts. My mom has gotten in on it, and now the book consists my favourite quotes, as well as quotes that my mom thinks will be beneficial to me throughout everyday life.
The above quote is one of my favourites, and serves for really good food for thought.
Recently, two guys in my age range died unexpectedly. This really unnerved alot of people who were close to the two guys, and really served as an eye opener for some. Both of the guys were very involved in church and church related activities, and considered good guys. When looking at the ages of the guys, they were young and definitely had their whole lives ahead of them, and now they are gone.
The whole incident really got me thinking, its not like i didn't know some of these things before (like about life etc) but it just reinforced them. You could be here today, and gone tomorrow. The future isn't certain, as the path you are walking on could change at any moment. What are you certain of in one instant could be gone in another.
When flicking through tv channels, channel after channel you see people predicting when the world is going to come to an end, and what the earth is going to look like when all of the humans are gone. Honestly, is this necessary??
I've recently continued reading a christian series called the Left Behind Series, the series is basically about The Rapture (when God comes for his people), the people that are 'left behind' and the trials and tribulations they go through.
Now in no way am I trying to force my religion on anyone as I like to think of myself as an open-minded person, and it's not in my place for me to judge anyone.
As you sit and evaluate yourself, this is your life... are you who you want to be?
In the book there are "the comings of Christ"...1st coming is where the saved are taken to heaven to be with God. As our God is a merciful God, there is a 2nd coming where those who didn't make it in the f1st coming, are given a chance to be saved.
Where do you fit in those groups? Would you rather waste time and be faced with a situation where you aren't able to make it into any of the two groups?
Those were just some of the questions I was asking myself recently. And as no one is perfect, I am definitely not perfect, and I'm still a work in progress. As a young person, we are all surrounded by all sorts of negative things, but we've all got to keep our heads down and stick to the task.
In re-reading what i've written in this entry so far, I hope I do not come across as bossy. I just don't want to see myself or any of my loved ones getting left behind, especially when we are always given the chance to make amends.
Its true that the future is not certain, but while we are here on earth, we can be the best we can hard, play hard, laugh, love, smile, pray, appreciate...and i'm sure that if we do those things, our future or our end won't be all speculation, but a certainty =]
Posted by *~Neesh~* at 2:27 PM 2 comments
Monday, May 25, 2009
Summer School
Today was the first day of summer school and I'm tired of it already, not only that, but I also feel stressed after this first day. For my English course, I have 4 assignments. 4!!!! To do in 6 weeks, one of which is a project proposal A.K.A lots of work. I'm tired of doing English, I loved the subject but as I get older, its becoming a drag. Not only that, but I'm required to buy a book I will only use for 6 weeks, that will cost me $139. How hard would it be for her to photocopy important notes? Also, she tells the class, that the book does not have in everything. Is she for real?! For $139, it should have have in everything and more!!!
Moving on to Human Resource Management. No Book required, he understands the fine art of photocopying. The teacher is kool enough I guess, makes the class laugh, with the exception of me. But I don't blame him for that because that's me. However, for him I have 2 assignments. The first is worth 15mrks, while the second is worth 25mrks and I'm required to do research for both, as in go in the library and get some books sorta research. It isn't having 2 assignments that bother me, but rather what the assignments are. Once I saw them, my mood dropped, hence why I didnt find him funny. *sighs* One day down, too many to go. :(
Posted by Tammy at 9:41 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Who are YOU??
~Andre Gide
Do you believe this? Would you rather be hated than liked? Have you ever sat back and watched the people around you and thought about how different they can be when others are around? How do you justify a person being one way with you and another way with someone else? Should one look at it from the perspective that different people bring out the best... or worst in a person?
I ask myself these things often, especially when observing the behavior of some of my friends and I often make excuses for them in my head when I see how different they are with others. But then, I'm guilty of it too. There is however, a fine line between adjusting to a situation and being flat out fake and pretentious. The truth is, we all do it. Our personalities can change slightly when we're with different people for the simple fact that we feed off of the persons we're with, and there is nothing wrong with that,its natural.
However, that line is crossed when persons completely change who they are, to fit in with others and as their friend, it can be a let down. As hard as it can be at times to be yourself, I find it can be more rewarding in the long run. It can be nice to meet people who are by definition weird and they simply do not care. They like being weird. A guy at school stood in front of me talking about random things,while eating paper. Who do you know that eats paper? Isn't that odd? Yes! But he proceeded to tell me how good it tasted. Now I'm not one who is shocked often by the behavior of others and that situation wasn't any different, I just found it sort of refreshing, and thought it rare that a person can be so confident in who they are, to the point that they will openly display such weird habits. He obviously isn't afraid to stand out.
Posted by Tammy at 10:23 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Lost Time Can't Be Regained

Summer has begun and i've started doing exactly what most people do the opposite of when summer comes around, and that's waking up early. My sleeping habits aren't the best, and my body usually ends up paying for it, therefore in my attempt to regain lost sleeping time, my pattern would be to sleep in late and wake up late, and that started an unhealthy and unproductive cycle...well for me at least.
Ever since exam time, where i would wake up early and put in some last minute cramming, i've been waking up early every since =)
While recently thinking back on all the time i've wasted while I could have been up doing productive things, made me realize that that time is gone and it can never be regained. Sure if you go to sleep late you can get more things done, and some people just function better at night....but in terms of waking up, those late sleepers usually wake up when nearly half the day is done.
Lost time can't be regained... not only can it be used to refer to the time people lose while sleeping in late while the world goes on around them. It also serves as food for thought...what if you had the time to tell someone something important but you didn't take up the opportunity and now they are out of your life forever? What if you spent those hrs of procrastination, doing the paper that you had to hand in the next day? What if you planned to hang out with a friend you've been neglecting recently and they've basically signed off on your friendship?
Those were just some thoughts that came to mind.
As the saying goes.."don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today"
I urge all of you, to indeed live and breathe each moment like it's your last. It's better to be on top of time than trying to regain lost time because you just may not get the chance =)
Posted by *~Neesh~* at 10:33 AM 7 comments
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Movie of the Year goes to........Star Trek!
I remember watching the Star Trek series as a child and loving it, but like most children, I grew out of it and eventually it was no longer showing. After that,the show rarely crossed my mind, only when coming across shows like Stargate Atlantis I'd think of it. But in comes 2009 and the release of the trailer, I honestly wasn't expecting much. When I did see the trailer, I still wasn't impressed as the trailer gave me little to no indication that it would be worth watching.
However, my friends and I decided to go watch it and.....IT WAS AWESOME!!!!! Everything was flawless: the makeup, the acting, the cast..the movie was just superb! Whenever you have scifi movies, the make up just looks fake, yes we all know its fake but I believe a movie should leave us wondering..."how did they do that??" and Star Trek did just that!
Many action movies have their comedic moments and Star Trek was no different. Difference is, they pulled it off! They didnt go for over the top comedy that would seem like they were trying too hard, little things just turned out to be hilarious.
The movie was full of talented people, but Zachary Quinto (Spock), who also plays Sylar in Heroes was great. No one else could have played Spock, which leaves me wondering who else auditioned and I'm glad they were rejected. Even his facial bone structure fit this part. The creepiness that Sylar has, he brought to Spock, the weirdness of Sylar, he brought to Spock,making him an interesting and memorable character which then makes me want to find out how the original Spock acted because I cant imagine him being better than Quinto, who by the way made Spock hot!
All in all, the movie was enjoyable to say the least, a part of me is hoping for a sequel, hopefully they wont ruin it for me. Well...I think I've shown enough of my love for Star Trek. I'd give it an A+...unlike some idiot who gave it a B.
That is it for my first entry.Live Long and prosper!
Posted by Tammy at 6:51 PM 6 comments