Thursday, December 31, 2009


Tonight my friends and I watched Avatar. Overall I thought it was a great movie, but the only problem that I had, was that its building of the storyline was too slow and I was initially bored.But once the action started, I was more than awake. James Cameron the director took forever too make this movie and it was worth the wait...its no Titanic, but it was a good movie. I honestly would not take the time to watch it again..its just one of those movies that I couldn't sit through more than once. But I didn't see it as just a movie with blue people fighting for their land, its a story that can be related to real life, which I think helped in making the movie great.

Monday, December 28, 2009

The Holidays

Christmas hasn't been a a big deal to my dad and I for quite a number of years and in a way it still wasn't this year..but I was content with how it turned out. I got a great gift from my dad which for the past 3 days I've been making GREAT use of :) Today one of my dad's good friends had a lime at her house....full of adults i didn't know, children too young to seriously talk to and two teenage boys who are too quiet for their own good and as a result..talking to them was quite difficult. After a while i got quite bored but the boys turned on the Wii and i joined in and played Naruto (which i turned out to be quite good at), Super Mario (more boring than i remembered) and Resident Evil (boring despite the zombies), and i can honestly say i had a pretty good time....and was fed quite well :D Not sure what will be going on throughout this week, but I'm happy knowing that everyday i wake up, i have no work to do,there is nothing to stress me out and i can relax and be the best bum i can be.