Today was the first day of summer school and I'm tired of it already, not only that, but I also feel stressed after this first day. For my English course, I have 4 assignments. 4!!!! To do in 6 weeks, one of which is a project proposal A.K.A lots of work. I'm tired of doing English, I loved the subject but as I get older, its becoming a drag. Not only that, but I'm required to buy a book I will only use for 6 weeks, that will cost me $139. How hard would it be for her to photocopy important notes? Also, she tells the class, that the book does not have in everything. Is she for real?! For $139, it should have have in everything and more!!!
Moving on to Human Resource Management. No Book required, he understands the fine art of photocopying. The teacher is kool enough I guess, makes the class laugh, with the exception of me. But I don't blame him for that because that's me. However, for him I have 2 assignments. The first is worth 15mrks, while the second is worth 25mrks and I'm required to do research for both, as in go in the library and get some books sorta research. It isn't having 2 assignments that bother me, but rather what the assignments are. Once I saw them, my mood dropped, hence why I didnt find him funny. *sighs* One day down, too many to go. :(
Bye Bye Blogger, Hello Wordpress
13 years ago
awwww, it'll b over b4 u kno it =]
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