I remember watching the Star Trek series as a child and loving it, but like most children, I grew out of it and eventually it was no longer showing. After that,the show rarely crossed my mind, only when coming across shows like Stargate Atlantis I'd think of it. But in comes 2009 and the release of the trailer, I honestly wasn't expecting much. When I did see the trailer, I still wasn't impressed as the trailer gave me little to no indication that it would be worth watching.
However, my friends and I decided to go watch it and.....IT WAS AWESOME!!!!! Everything was flawless: the makeup, the acting, the cast..the movie was just superb! Whenever you have scifi movies, the make up just looks fake, yes we all know its fake but I believe a movie should leave us wondering..."how did they do that??" and Star Trek did just that!
Many action movies have their comedic moments and Star Trek was no different. Difference is, they pulled it off! They didnt go for over the top comedy that would seem like they were trying too hard, little things just turned out to be hilarious.
The movie was full of talented people, but Zachary Quinto (Spock), who also plays Sylar in Heroes was great. No one else could have played Spock, which leaves me wondering who else auditioned and I'm glad they were rejected. Even his facial bone structure fit this part. The creepiness that Sylar has, he brought to Spock, the weirdness of Sylar, he brought to Spock,making him an interesting and memorable character which then makes me want to find out how the original Spock acted because I cant imagine him being better than Quinto, who by the way made Spock hot!
All in all, the movie was enjoyable to say the least, a part of me is hoping for a sequel, hopefully they wont ruin it for me. Well...I think I've shown enough of my love for Star Trek. I'd give it an A+...unlike some idiot who gave it a B.
That is it for my first entry.Live Long and prosper!
Bye Bye Blogger, Hello Wordpress
13 years ago
The movie so has to be the best movie I've seen for the year! Im not one who usually buys DVD's but if it crosses my path I wont hesitate to dump it into the shopping cart. 10/10
dude-tte, I don't agree with your opinion, seeing that I'm not a "star trek" fan, I'm a bit bias, however when I do decide to see it, I doubt it'll be as thrilling as Changeling, which I have classed as the best for the year. So far.
Summer 09 is full of BIG releases and we've still got TRANSFORMERS;ROTF to come!!!!
Going to see it soon...vry soon! Hopefully i keep it together while watching it...like no loud yelps of joy to distract the other movie watchers lolll
Yea it was pretty cool, def a most see but im not sure if best for 09 just yet...have to wait n see F&F4 was pretty cool to but so far Star Trek is def my fav thus far
How could i forget Transformers!! AND ...! GI JOE .. holy crap no one how much im looking forward to GI Joe lol
Havent seen the trailer for that in a while.
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