Every semester since I've started university I've had at least one group that just cant get their act together and do what needs to be done. They'd rather fool around, be lazy and and as a result cause unnecessary frustrations, and they just don't seem to care. Why must I always be the one to do everything? Why must I be the one that has to tell people they are wrong and be disliked for it?
How can members of a group, all of which will share the same grade, sit back and let someone submit pages of nonsense with their names attached. No one has criticisms till I say something is wrong, then they all fall in line. That doesn't help anyone.
And when you try to help people, why must they always act as though they were attacked? People that I have come across have no idea how diplomatic I try to be when telling them what I think about their work. Sometimes it seems like if they were given a good cursing, they'd take that much better and get the point and do what they are supposed to do!
Bye Bye Blogger, Hello Wordpress
13 years ago
Yup, some people can be unnecessarily frustrating. U can either keep your head down and stick to the task, or when the lecturer starts talking about group workkk..... running out of the class screaming! =D lolllll
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