I just watched Paranormal Activity. I read that it was so terrifying and scary that i thought it was worth watching. I was really wrong..and anyone who can say they enjoyed this movie and was scared by it...doesn't know what it means to be scared. It was too long and all the paranormal activity consisted of mostly weird noises, a little wind and a small fire. The most action packed moment *rolls eyes*, was when the 'spirit' pulled her out the bed and in the end when it caused her to kill her husband. I just lost 90 minutes and some seconds of my life on this nonsense....yet it beat out SAW at the box office. i am no fan of SAW but at least it can make me cringe and look away from the screen, whereas with this i had to fight to pay attention. This movie's popularity is based on word-of-mouth and and i definitely wont be recommending it to anyone unless they need to be put to sleep. The poster says "Don't watch it Alone", i say don't watch it period!
Bye Bye Blogger, Hello Wordpress
13 years ago
Lollll, well arent u a tough critic. For some reason, i find it hilarious that ur grumbling about it loll
lol i just feel so tricked but whatever, it made a nice blog entry :P
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