There are always things people want but cannot have, things people have but do not appreciate; the latter of which irritates me the most. Over the past few days things have happened that remind me of how much I can dislike my life. Generally my life is not bad, but it is extremely heart breaking to work so hard to have certain things and then due to ' life' and everything that comes with it, have them taken away. Yes a person must sacrifice at times for the things they want, but when you are already between a rock and a hard place, what else is there to give? There are days when things seem like they are getting better, but then 'life' reminds you that few things are really in your control and that hard work and perseverance can mean little to nothing.
When the lottery comes on I always say "a man who spends his day at a rum shop drinking will win, but a person who is truly struggling to raise their family and to pay bills will not ever win". Is this reality fair? No it isn't! People always say that a person should dream big, have goals and work hard to achieve them, but wanting something or needing something does not mean you will ever have them. I'm starting to feel like what i want most right now isn't going to happen and it hurts.
Bye Bye Blogger, Hello Wordpress
13 years ago
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