Monday, May 10, 2010

I turned 20 on May 8th. Nothing major to report since most of my friends have not been fortunate enough to have finished exams. I did however get to watch Iron Man 2, which was pretty good. Robert Downey Jr never disappoints. He's always a tad bit schizophrenic in his roles which makes for good entertainment.

The real celebration for my birthday, will be the 14th, when all of my friends will be free to lounge around and enjoy summer. I'm really looking forward to it since usually i never get to do anything to celebrate my birthday. This year i really wanted to, not only because its my 20th, or because for once my exams finished early, but because i may not be here in Barbados for my 21st, and wouldn't have my friends to celebrate with.

Overall, I'm just happy to have lived another year =]

Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind,it doesn't matter. -Mark Twain

Friday, May 7, 2010

Summer is here!

At 6pm on May 6th, summer officially began. I had my last exam, which went great, and proved to be a nice way to end off exams, and begin summer. After months of hard work i was looking forward to being able to do nothing. Not only did it mark the end of the semester for me, but also my life as an Undergraduate student. According to my father, i am "officially unemployed and unproductive"; which suits me just fine. I am too caught up right now on the fact that its summer, to truly feel like i have 'graduated', but as the months go on, especially when its time for my friends to go back to school, it will hit me.

However, while i have finished that part of my educational life, i'm planning to have another phase begin. I have plans to go to England and study for my Masters Degree, and once things go as planned, that is where i will be, come September. While i may have to wait a while to see if my hard work this past semester has paid off, i am comforted by the fact that i know that i put my best foot forward and was a dedicated and hardworking student.

Now the only thing on my mind, is what to do next and how not to be bored :)