I finally saw Eclipse and I loved it! So far it is the best movie of the series; David Slade did a great job. I'm officially Team Jacob, despite how he has changed throughout the books to be sometimes a downright jerk, he's still lovable. Another reason I loved it so much, was because it came the closest to the actual book. Everything pretty much looked like how I imagined it. I also liked how they expanded on the character Riley, who Xavier Samuel played really well. It was also nice to see Jasper get more screen time and hear his Southern accent really come out.
I cannot wait to see Breaking Dawn! I just cannot fathom how they'll bring Renesme to life.
Also, Eclipse is "Rated R" here in Barbados. So ridiculous! After watching the movie I really cannot understand why. The vampires being killed didn't even bleed so its not as though there was too much 'blood and guts'. Oh well, I'm 20 so it didn't affect me,but i feel for the poor teens who can't see it.
I cannot wait to see Breaking Dawn! I just cannot fathom how they'll bring Renesme to life.
Also, Eclipse is "Rated R" here in Barbados. So ridiculous! After watching the movie I really cannot understand why. The vampires being killed didn't even bleed so its not as though there was too much 'blood and guts'. Oh well, I'm 20 so it didn't affect me,but i feel for the poor teens who can't see it.