The Logos Hope is a ship that sails around the world promoting the word of God and international cooperation and has about 600 volunteers from 70 different countries and is often called the "Book Ship" cause it sells various types of books, whether for academic or personal purposes. I've visited the ship about twice and I'm hoping to again now that its back. Today some of the volunteers were on campus and i had the pleasure of giving a nice Japenese guy a tour and i introduced him to some of my friends and through him i met people from Canada, Finland, Korea,Israel and India, who all thought Barbados was a great place, filled with great people. Volunteering for the Logos seems like it would be a great experience and an opportunity to visit places you never even heard of and meet a lot of of interesting people. The Japanese guy i met, Yoshi, doesn't speak very good English but after talking with him for a while we both acknowledged that we were getting used to each others accents and i found that he genuinely believed in helping people and i thought it was nice how he considers himself to be a lucky person,because he knows God and enjoys having a free life. Unfortunately, they wont be back on campus but hopefully I'll get to go to the ship and see them again.
Bye Bye Blogger, Hello Wordpress
13 years ago